Pioneering Tobacco Cultivation in the Cayman Islands: The Story of Cayman Cigars

In a groundbreaking venture, Cayman Cigars has defied the odds and embarked on a revolutionary journey by cultivating tobacco in the Cayman Islands, a region historically considered unsuitable for large-scale farming due to its challenging soil conditions. Spearheaded by the visionary Granger Haugh, this ambitious project has transformed an improbable dream into a flourishing reality. 

This article leans into the inspiring journey of Cayman Cigars, exploring its inception, the formidable challenges faced, the innovative solutions employed, and the future aspirations of this pioneering enterprise.

Background and Inspiration

The idea of cultivating tobacco in the Cayman Islands stemmed from Granger Haugh’s relentless pursuit of new possibilities. Always thinking several steps ahead, Granger envisioned the potential for growing tobacco after observing the success of vegetable crops on the island. His rationale was straightforward yet groundbreaking: if vegetables could thrive, why not tobacco? The proximity to Cuba, renowned for its superior tobacco, further bolstered his confidence.

“Granger believed that by preparing the existing soil with 100% organic and biodynamic amendments and nutrients, tobacco could flourish even better,” said Scott, a key player in the venture. Driven by the aspiration to create a new industry in a region not previously known for tobacco production, the project aimed to establish Grand Cayman as the world’s newest and most exciting growing region in decades.

Planning and Preparation

The initial steps in preparing the soil for tobacco cultivation were both challenging and innovative. Grand Cayman’s terrain, covered in soft calciferous surface rock, rendered traditional farming methods impossible. Recognizing the critical importance of soil quality, Granger embarked on meticulous research and planning.

Granger reached out to Advanced Composting Systems (ACS) in North Carolina, whose Aerated Static Pile (ASP) composting method produces usable compost rapidly. The team visited ACS, purchased the turn-key system, and brought experts to Grand Cayman to install it and train the farm crew. Simultaneously, Granger discovered the Valentini AL 2300, a piece of equipment capable of crushing surface rock to a depth of eighteen inches. This equipment revolutionized the farm’s operations, and its arrival, along with a new John Deere tractor, marked a significant milestone.

Despite initial skepticism from some experts, who believed that while the project should work in theory, no one had attempted anything similar before, the team was undeterred. They pressed on with determination, confidence in their innovative approach.

Challenges and Solutions

The primary challenges revolved around soil quality and the ambient environment. Planting tobacco at sea level on an island had never been attempted before, raising concerns about salinity in both the soil and air. These challenges were addressed through soil amendments like compost and the implementation of a new reverse osmosis (RO) water system, ultimately leading to the successful growth of tobacco.

Sourcing and transporting equipment and materials required significant logistical expertise. The team shipped the necessary equipment from various suppliers by both sea and air. The innovative solutions they employed were not high-tech but rather common-sense approaches to the unique issues faced by island farming.

Creating their compost was a turning point for Cayman Cigars. The ASP composting system used 100% organic, “clean green” materials, with no animal products. The result was the best farming soil the Cayman Islands had ever seen, a crucial innovation for the success of their tobacco crop and other agricultural endeavors.

Innovation and Opportunities

The innovative methods and technologies employed in soil preparation and cultivation were crucial to the project’s success. Granger’s ability to think outside the box led to practical solutions that addressed the unique challenges of island farming. The composting system and the Valentini AL 2300 were pivotal components in their achievements.

The team’s confidence in the project’s success was a blend of necessity and theoretical feasibility. They knew soil amendments and fertilizers had been used successfully in other contexts. While the concept wasn’t entirely new, the scale and application of these methods in the Cayman Islands were unprecedented. This pioneering approach demonstrated their commitment to innovation and their belief in the project’s potential.

Learning and Adaptation

Throughout their journey, the team at Cayman Cigars has acquired valuable lessons that could benefit others embarking on similar projects. Despite the diversity of crops and experimental endeavors, their core identity remains that of an “idea farm.” Granger’s philosophy is to embrace mistakes and share learnings with others, thereby promoting successful farming practices on both large and small scales.

Their journey has been marked by unexpected successes and setbacks. The team faced significant challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, staff shortages, and a devastating fire that destroyed a new piece of equipment worth $800,000. These obstacles were met with resilience and an unwavering commitment to progress. The documentary film Beacon Farms – The Movie provides further insights into these experiences, capturing the spirit of perseverance that defines Cayman Cigars.

Industry Response

Initially, industry veterans and experts reacted cautiously to the idea of growing tobacco in the Cayman Islands. The team chose not to advertise their work, preferring to remain quiet in case of failure. However, as the viability of their tobacco became evident, they gradually shared their progress, sparking significant interest from industry veterans and tobacco farmers.

At PCA 2024, Cayman Cigars shared their advancements with a few industry titans. These leaders are now closely monitoring the potential of tobacco production in the Cayman Islands. This cautious optimism from the industry underscores the revolutionary potential of this pioneering effort.

Impact and Future Plans

The success of Cayman Cigars has the potential to put Grand Cayman on the international map as an exciting new tobacco-growing region. The team envisions expanding its operations to include cultivating wrapper tobacco for the first time on the island. They aim to produce micro-crops of the world’s finest boutique tobacco, continually innovating and improving their processes.

For Scott, this journey has been profoundly impactful both personally and professionally. “Even though I am 15 years clean and sober, I am forever an alcoholic and a drug addict. I was lucky to find treatment and a supportive recovery community,” he shared. The staff of recovering addicts and alcoholics at Cayman Cigars is a powerful testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Scott emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and one’s ideas. “If you believe in yourself and your idea, there is little chance of it failing. Making a positive impact is what it’s about, not the size of the result. Doing something for good is always the right decision.”


Documenting and sharing this story is crucial for Scott and the team at Cayman Cigars. The success of Bridge Foundation Beacon Farms and Cayman Cigar Company is attributed to Granger Haugh’s vision and generosity. While Granger seeks no publicity, his monumental contributions to the island’s agricultural landscape are undeniable.

The key messages in their press releases focus on uniqueness, innovation, redemption, and the spirit of fusing social entrepreneurship with public service. These themes reflect the core values and mission of Cayman Cigars, as they continue to pioneer and inspire in the tobacco industry.

Cayman Cigars’ journey of growing tobacco in the Cayman Islands is a story of vision, innovation, and resilience. Overcoming challenging soil conditions required ingenuity and groundbreaking methods, creating opportunities for the local community. Their efforts have redefined the island’s agricultural landscape.

As they look to the future, their commitment to excellence and social impact is unwavering, promising a legacy that will inspire and endure. You can shop Cayman Cigars here.


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